Web and Mobile
App Testing

Support for Selenium, Puppetter, and Cypress for web application testing. Alongside Appium for iOS and Android testing.

Advanced Debugging Features

Use advanced debug tooling with one click switch between devices to quickly debug and fix issues, both in mobile devices and desktop.

Web and Mobile App Testing

Support for Selenium, Puppetter, and Cypress for web application testing. Alongside Appium for iOS and Android testing.

Advanced Debugging Features

Use advanced debug tooling with one click switch between devices to quickly debug and fix issues, both in mobile devices and desktop.

Catch problems, before they become problems

Teskit Cloud can help you ensure application stability, while reducing your time to market through the use of automation.
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Organize, Comment, Screenshot
Easily take screenshots in live sessions, add labels, make notes, and more.
Local dev environment testing
By using our local proxy, allowing for ultra-fast iteration cycles and bug finding.
Cypress Integration
Run your Cypress, Selenium tests in paralell and without the complexity of other solutions.
Custom Integrations
Get in touch with us and we would be happy to discuss implementing new features just for you.

Frequently asked questions.

Can I try Testkit before being charged?
Yes! All new accounts start on the Free Tier which lets you create, manage and schedule tests just like our paid plans. When you are ready to upgrade to a paid plan, you can do so directly in the application on the settings page.
What is a test run?
A test run occurs every time a test is. executed, whether it is automated or manual.
You can run 10 tests with a total execution time of 100 minutes per month with the free tier.
Can I run tests in parallel?
Yes! Each account comes with one dedicated instance for your tests, you can add additional instances for $19/month or $180/year to run more tests in parallel.
What does "data retention" mean?
Each time a test is executed a "build" is created, which holds the steps, screenshots and results of that test execution to view the results of past test executions. These builds will be deleted after 7 days in the free tier, and after 30 days with a paid plan.
If you need a longer data retention period, you can request one by contacting support@testkit.app
Can I test applications behind Login?
There are multiple ways to do this - you can either prepend a "Login" Test, that does the login for you, but you can also send a preflight API request to your server to authenticate a user and then set the response as session or local storage properties.
Can I test applications that are not publicly accessible?
We provide a proxy that can run almost everywhere, which allows Testkit to access applications that are not publicly accessible.
For other questions, shoot us an email at help center